Unfortunately, rural Ghana does not have any functioning waste collection services, which means tailor-made approaches are required. Farmers are taught to use waste pits for organic and inorganic waste, dug at a suitable distance from people and animals. Burning waste is prohibited. We communicate the importance of hygiene to farmers, covering everything from the removal of waste to the dangers of empty crop protection containers, in order to keep the living environment clean and healthy.
Hazardous waste
All equipment and containers used to apply crop protection products are carefully cleaned, preventing humans and animals from coming into contact with chemicals. We have agreements with an input supplier to collect empty containers, so that they can be disposed of properly.
Community Hygiene
All wastewater from bathrooms, dishwashing, and laundry washing has to be properly disposed of because of hygiene and the increased chance of malaria. An affordable local solution has been developed, which involves digging pits and filling them with palm kernels or pebbles to avoid stagnant water.
Our members are encouraged to use the biodegradable waste from cocoa farms and their home as a natural fertiliser, to lessen their dependency on synthetic fertilisers.