Cocoa Abrabopa Association
The Cocoa Abrabopa Association (CAA) is an independent organisation for and by cocoa farmers from Ghana. It is not political and not out for profit, but seeks to create a better life for its members by professionalising cocoa farming.
There are many challenges in cocoa production, but the CAA believes that cocoa farming has a bright future, especially for farmers who are willing to invest in their business and follow international standards. If we take care of the environment, future generations can continue to enjoy farming too. Developing the knowledge and skills of CAA members and their families and protecting and restoring the environment are essential to success.
For more information, please visit cocoabrabopa.org.

Ascot Amsterdam
Ascot Amsterdam BV, short for Associated Cocoa Trading, was established in 2012 and is the dedicated sales office of the Cocoa For A Better Life model. Literally,“Ascot” stands for Associated Cocoa Trading, but its philosophy stands for the empowerment of farmers’ organisations by means of sustainable integration in the cocoa chain.
Ascot stands for quality conventional cocoa, certified by UTZ and Rain Forest Alliance (RFA), and produced through our unique Cocoa For A Better Life model. Beyond that, we also specialise in the sale of semi-finished cocoa products.
We can sell our cocoa on the basis of any Incoterm, as well as on a spot, stock or forward basis, and on an outright price or differential basis. Due to our extensive network, we are in a position to offer conventional and certified cocoa beans and products from various other origins. We kindly invite every customer or potential buyer to visit our associations on location in West Africa.
At Ascot, we believe that sustainability is a natural part of being a successful and profitable business. We strive to act ethically and transparently and expect our suppliers to do the same. Compliance with law is the fundamental starting point, but our ambition is to work with the CAA to go beyond what the law says to advance our responsible sourcing ambitions within our Cocoa For A Better Life model. It is designed to facilitate capacity building, extension, certification, and financial & technical support in order to improve the livelihoods of the farmers we source our cocoa from. Our Responsible Sourcing Programme is based on seven principles:
- Business Integrity
- Transparency
- Respect for Human Rights
- Quality & Food Safety
- Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration
- Security
- Environmental Management
For more information, please visit www.ascot-amsterdam.com.

Commodity Warehousing Limited
Commodity Warehousing Limited (CWL) is a large warehouse complex in the Ghana Free zone enclave in Tema that stores cocoa beans for the Ghana Cocoa Board. All cocoa beans destined for the Japanese market are stored in this huge facility. In addition, certified cocoa beans from the CAA earmarked for special traceability projects are kept separately in designated stacks.
CWL is a subsidiary of African Tiger Holding Limited (ATHL). ATHL is based in Ghana and is the founding company of the Cocoa Abrabopa Association. It currently assists the CAA with strategic advice during Council meetings and provides technical support to management throughout the year.

Adwumapa Buyers Limited
Adwumapa Buyers Limited (ABL) is a locally owned trader and is one of the longest operating Licensed Buying Companies in Ghana, operating in most of Ghana’s cocoa districts. Since 2012, they have worked with the CAA, purchasing separated certified cocoa beans from their members.
ABL is audited every year on the Chain of Custody requirements and also received the CHOC Certificate this year.
For more information, please visit www.adwumapabuyers.com.

Royal Commodities Limited
Royal Commodities Limited (ROCO) is a registered Licensed Buying Company and part of a larger holding company, along with several other LBCs and a transporting company. The company was established in 1998 by Alhaji Iddrisu Adamu of blessed memory, with the sole aim of grasping the opportunities presented by the liberalisation of the internal marketing of cocoa in 1993.
ROCO operates in five of the six cocoa growing regions in Ghana and has been expanding rapidly in recent years. Since 2017, ROCO has been a dedicated partner of CAA, purchasing certified cocoa beans from CAA members. ROCO is audited every year on the Chain of Custody requirements and also received the CHOC Certificate this year.
For more information, please visit www.royalcommodities.com.